Beginner Archery Orientation

All beginner adults and youth are encouraged to participate, the minimum age is 9.  Learn about archery equipment, target safety, and the fundamentals of shooting at targets using NTS (National Training System).  Coaches will be by your side while you shoot… aim for the gold!  All equipment provided.  Classes held rain or shine.  No open-toed shoes like crocs or sandals.

DO NOT bring your own equipment…you will be able to use it in the following sessions but not at Orientation.

Refunds are given ONLY if Kennesaw Archery Club is notified at least 3 days in advance.

Registration opens seven (7) days prior to the class.  No early registrations possible and no walk-ins.  If there is no Registration button, the registration IS NOT OPEN YET.

Class paperwork will be sent to you prior to the class using your registration email.  Be sure to read & follow the instructions.

See you there!

If registering multiple people at once, ensure that the  “Fill other attendees information like the first form” is NOT CHECKED!  This will result in invalid student information

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Feb 21 2026


Check-in 12PM, Class 12:30PM - 2:30PM. Please bring paperwork sent to you via email.
12:00 pm - 2:30 pm




KAC Outdoor Range (Pitner Park)
2320 Pitner Road Acworth, GA 30101
QR Code